Business development in Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester

Business development in Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester
Business development in Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester

The spectrum of South Jersey development in 2025 includes a lot of warehousing, but name-brand retail and housing projects may also pop up in the region this year.

One high-profile project is in Cherry Hill Township, where a new evolution of the Cherry Hill Mall is to start with demolition of a nine-story building. The building has stood at 1 Mall Drive since 1977 and is to make way for a special Dick’s Sporting Goods outlet.

Mall owner PREIT Services LLC, which has stated that it views the shopping center as a “trophy,” had its plan approved by a unanimous vote from members of the township zoning board at a hearing Dec. 5. Razing the building is to open space for a Dick’s “House of Sport” facility.


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